The Cross (our submission)

Grace and Truth 101 The Way Born Again Baptism (water) The Holy Ghost (the infilling) How Important is God to You Self Righteousness (unawares) Becoming Carnal (unawares!) Pureness of Heart The Cross (drawing nigh to God) Renewing of your Mind Harden not Your Heart The Cross (our submission) The Cross (forgiveness) Justification (law or grace) Mercy on Ourselves Pride The Cross - Addressing Sin

The Cross (our submission)

             Our submission to the cross is much deeper than what we ordinarily think.  The cross is the death of our old self and the birth of our new self, and this is where many fall short.  We do not really know ourselves, thoroughly, as God does because He is the only one who searches the heart.  Christ said in John 6:64, “But there are some of you that believe not, for Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believeth not and who should betray Him”.  The disciples themselves did not know their own hearts for they asked “… Lord is it I?”  We do not know our own hearts for “The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it?  I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings” (Jer 17:9, 10).  We look at ourselves through our own eyes which are tainted by what we think of ourselves both good and bad, but God sees right through us and sees things in us we will  never see unless He shows us.  This is the work of the cross.  As the Lord brings us closer to Him, He reveals to us the things that must die at the cross.  These things are revealed a little at a time according to His will for if too much is given, we will reject it and that puts us in a rebellious state and outside the will of God. (See - Harden not Your Heart   click to read!)  We are to lay all of our old self at the cross, our talents, abilities, our personal ambitions, etc., not that we are to throw them away but submit them to the glory of God and God Himself will use what He wants for His glory and purpose.  (See -  Renewing of Your Mind click to read!)  This may take time, for much of our “works” we think are God’s work may not be because God searches our heart to the degree that your “God’s” work is really “your” work fueled by hidden and unrealized pride and/or ambition.  These may be bitter pills to swallow but, prayerfully, your desire to be closer to God will out weigh your pride and personal inconvenience.  The primary hindrance to the submission to the cross is pride, arrogance, and self-righteousness.   Many leaders should not be leaders but because of pride and arrogance, they will neither change nor step down, even though there is no movement of the Spirit (not emotion), no power, and no spiritual results.  For it is written, “And my speech and preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of Spirit and of power, That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God” (1Cor 2:4, 5).   Many people may have natural talents and abilities, even to lead, but it does not mean God wants them to lead in that position.  Likewise you have Sunday school teachers that profess that they are “teachers (Eph 4:11)”, however, they lack the depth, the understanding, and ability to rightly divide the Word of God.  (Just because you drive a pickup truck does not make you a truck driver!)  These people may have good intentions and they believe they are doing “God’s” work but there is another area in their life where they have depth and understanding and it is natural for them but they want to do what they think God called them to do even though the results are spiritually minimal, if any.  Submission to the work of the cross (the dying of ourselves) is the beginning of the hearing the voice of God.  Once you hear that voice, yield to it for  this sets the stage to acknowledge God in your life, for without this you can’t follow God, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God” (Rom 8:14).  The work of the cross in your life is a continuous event, being part of the “ working out of your own salvation” (Phil 2:12).  “But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye in all manner of conversation (way of life): Because it is written,’ Be ye holy, for I am holy’ (Lev 19:2)” (1Pet 1:16).  Being holy is from the heart, not in just doing what is right but:  1)having an attitude of reverence to God through Christ as our savior,  2)acknowledging and trusting that the Spirit of God knows you (1Cor 2:11) and will make you holy as He is holy, and  3) understanding that acting holy is not the same as being holy. This is another part of the work of the cross.