Born Again

Grace and Truth 101 The Way Born Again Baptism (water) The Holy Ghost (the infilling) How Important is God to You Self Righteousness (unawares) Becoming Carnal (unawares!) Pureness of Heart The Cross (drawing nigh to God) Renewing of your Mind Harden not Your Heart The Cross (our submission) The Cross (forgiveness) Justification (law or grace) Mercy on Ourselves Pride The Cross - Addressing Sin

Born Again

             When Adam fell all men was born with a sinful nature.  No matter what a person does, think, or feel, his goodness is as filthy rags (Is 64:6).  Because of this condition, man has to be reborn or born again (John 3:7).  Nicodemus was a ruler of the Jewish people who came to Christ at night acknowledging that He was from God and Jesus told him “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God”(Jo 3:3).  He further explained that a man must be born of water and of the Spirit to enter in the Kingdom of God (Jo 3:5).  Being born of the Spirit is addressed in – The Holy Ghost - the infilling- pg 17 which starts the born again process for “he who has not the Spirit of God is none of His” (Rom 8:9).  Having the Spirit of God makes the “being born of water” possible.  This is not regular water that you were baptized in but the water of the Word that washes you (Eph 5:26, 27).  Being born again is process which involves not fulfilling the lust of the flesh (Rom 8:6-9), but the renewing of your mind (Rom 12:2), the bridling of the tongue (Jas 1:26, 3:2), etc.  So being born again is designed by the Lord to make us holy and acceptable unto Him through Jesus Christ (Rom 12:1).