The Way

Grace and Truth 101 The Way Born Again Baptism (water) The Holy Ghost (the infilling) How Important is God to You Self Righteousness (unawares) Becoming Carnal (unawares!) Pureness of Heart The Cross (drawing nigh to God) Renewing of your Mind Harden not Your Heart The Cross (our submission) The Cross (forgiveness) Justification (law or grace) Mercy on Ourselves Pride The Cross - Addressing Sin

      These writings are only for those who yearn to walk more after the Spirit and not after the flesh, for we all are to press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.  Walking after the Spirit sets the stage for being led of the Spirit, for it is written, "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God" (Rom 8:14), but more importantly, walking after the Spirit brings you closer to Christ.  Your desire to walk more after the Spirit allows the Lord to draw you closer to Him.  He does this by revealing the real you to you, for only He can search  the heart.  There are many weights and chains we have (that we are not aware of) that hold us down and only the Lord can reveal them, many are painful (for we see ourselves one way but the Lord shows us the truth!).  But after you have humbled yourself to the Lord and let the Cross do its work, you will not be the same, you will feel the liberation that only truth can bring, and you will thank, praise, and love the Lord even more and worship Him even more for His greatness.

         These are just a few of the subjects that are in a soon to be published book entitled The Way:

           These writings are  linked.  You may click the subject here or from the menu at the top of the page. This listing will change as other subjects will be substituted periodically.

                          1.    How Important is God to You

                          2.    Born Again

                         3.       Repentance 

                         4.       Holy Ghost (the infilling)

                 5.     Baptism (water) 

                         6.       Salvation

                 7.     Harden not your Heart                                                          

                 8.     The Cross - our submission

                           9.     The Cross - forgiveness           

       10.     Justification


                11.       Kingdom of God