Grace and Truth 101 The Way Born Again Baptism (water) The Holy Ghost (the infilling) How Important is God to You Self Righteousness (unawares) Becoming Carnal (unawares!) Pureness of Heart The Cross (drawing nigh to God) Renewing of your Mind Harden not Your Heart The Cross (our submission) The Cross (forgiveness) Justification (law or grace) Mercy on Ourselves Pride The Cross - Addressing Sin

                                               TRUE DISCIPLESHIP





This is not for everyone.  Many will not understand and will not be able to identify with the questions that follow.  This is not questioning anyone's salvation, because many are called but few are chosen.  When you received the Holy Ghost, did you have an insatiable appetite for the Word, not just for knowledge but to learn and know God?  You studied the Word every day, even at night, wanting to learn and know everything about Christ and the ways of God.  Were you concerned about sin, and having the fruits of the spirit?  Did you and are you still very aware about how you live, not trying to show yourself as being saved, but because you are saved?  Do you find yourself seeking after righteousness, not  seeking your own convenience or desires, but because being a child of the Most High  is what you're about?  Are you concerned more about functioning in the body of Christ as opposed to the local church?  Does "Be ye Holy, for I am Holy"(1Pet 1:16) mean something to you?  Do people (especially in the local church) tell you that "you're too deep"?  If your answers are "yes", you may find this site informative, if not needed. Remember, Christ chose his disciples! 

                    Chapter I:   The Calling

                    Chapter 2:  The Hidden Calling

                    Chapter 3: Leaders to the Body

                    Chapter 4:   Liberty in Truth (giving)

                    Chapter 5: Contending for the Faith 

                           Chapter 6:   Becoming Carnal  (unawares!)

                    Chapter 7:    Flesh vs. the Spirit

                    Chapter 8:     Fasting and the Flesh

                                     Chapter 9:     Mercy on ourselves

                    Chapter 10:   Mercy on others

                    Chapter 11:   Self-righteousness (unawares!)

                    Chapter 12:    True Discipleship (your walk)

                    Chapter 13:     Submission to Truth (on going!)
